Civilizing Sexuality:
Reexamining America's Values
to Prevent Sexual Abuse

©1994-2005 by John Hules



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Introduction: “The Emperor Is Naked”


Part 1: A Culture of Sexual Abuse

    1. The Missing Commandments: Permission for Perpetrators

    2. The Traditional Values of Sex Offenders and Their Victims: What the Research Shows

    3. An Epidemic of Shame: Non-Physical Sexual Abuse

    4. To Thine Own Self Be False: Dissociation, Denial, and Dishonesty about Sex

    5. Spirit against Body: Why Traditional Sexual Morality Is Irreligious (synopsis)


Part 2: Healthy Sexuality

    6. Childhood Sexual Development: Erotic Friendships and the Socialization of Eros (synopsis)

(Click here for a rather long early draft of the chapter on Childhood Sexual Development — it needs to be shortened, but contains lots of interesting information if you’re willing to wade through it.)

    7. From Shame to Pride: Healing the Wounds of Sexual Abuse (synopsis)

    8. Meaningful Pleasures: The Many Dimensions of Sexuality (synopsis)

    9. Awe and Ecstasy: Honoring the Body, Soul, and Spirit in Sexuality (synopsis)


Part 3: Civilizing Sexuality

    10. Desires and Boundaries: Principles of a New Sexual Ethic (synopsis)

    11. Intimacy Education: Integrating Eros into Culture (synopsis)

    12. Erotic Community: Justice, Compassion, and the Celebration of Sexuality (synopsis)


Appendix: Scientific Findings Regarding Sexual Abusers, Victims, and Traditional Values