Civilizing Sexuality:
Reexamining America's Values
to Prevent Sexual Abuse

John Hules is an award-winning science and technical writer and editor; a former Catholic priest (Diocese of Cleveland); a lifelong student of world religions, mysticism, and transpersonal psychology; and for more than a decade, an independent researcher studying sexual abuse, sexual ethics, and human sexuality in general. At the time this book draft was written, its survey of the scientific literature concerning sexual abuse and traditional moral and social values was believed to be the most extensive ever done. The origins of John’s interest in this topic are described in the Introduction to Civilizing Sexuality.


John received a B.A. in philosophy from Borromeo College, Wickliffe, Ohio, and a Master of Divinity from St. Mary Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio. For three years he studied comparative mysticism and religion at the graduate level in the Consciousness Studies program at John F. Kennedy University. He has extensive training in intimacy and sexuality (Human Awareness Institute and others), as well as sexuality and spirituality (Body Electric School, California Men’s Gathering, and others).


John retired from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 2013 after working 17 years as a science writer and technical editor, including 16 years serving the Computing Sciences organization and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC). Among many other assignments, John was the editor and principal writer of the NERSC Annual Reports from 1998 to 2012.

You can contact him here.
